Wednesday, May 30, 2007

TOPDECK Thursday 3rd May - Luxor

A horse and carriage ride at 6.30am to Edfu Temple was a grand way to start the day. We were the first people there which was great to get some people free shots however they soon came streaming in. Judging by the huge line of buggy's, the carriage ride seemed to be the best way to get there.

This Temple seems a lot larger than Kom Ombo from last night and is still largely intact. A couple of the "guards" with machine guns took it upon themselves to be showing me some of the more interesting highlights however I wasn't sure whether I should be tipping them or not... so I didn't... This decision was later reinforced when one of the cretins tried to bust a move on me!!! Not cool!!!

Back on the safety of the boat at 8am to continue on to Luxor and the rest of the day until 5pm was freetime to eat, drink sleep etc once again... After a nap I decided to take advantage of the lovely mid morning sun to catch some rays and found out the hard way that the sun cream I got in Turkey sucks... I got more pink bits that white bits right now and am in some degree of pain... Ouch...

At 5pm we docked at Luxor and went to Luxor Temple, another huge place belonging to Ramses. Our guide Sam was a lovely fella who was very passionate about Ramses but had a habit of foaming at the mouth so we weren't quite sure where to look... The Temple was beautiful however the afternoon heat and humidity was pretty full on so we were all happy when we returned to the airconditioned comfort of the boat and the towel swans on our beds...

We were entertained by a belly dancing show tonight and a whirling dervish guy also performed. This fella was so huge his head was only about an inch from the ceiling. We all thought he was the belly dancers body guard until he came out on stage in a huge skirt and started spinning!

Another early start tomorrow at 5am to do the East and West Banks before boarding the train back to Cairo.

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