Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thursday 26th April - Istanbul

Well, today is the 2nd last day of the tour but technically the last day we do anything as a group. We were booked in for another Bosphorous cruise today however as we'd already done one earlier in the tour, we decided to boycott this one and go to Taksim Square and do some shopping instead.

This area of Istanbul has a much more modern style of shopping (i.e popular dept/retail stores) instead of the tourist type souveneir shops crowding the streets where we are staying and everywhere we have been. We spotted the shop above and thought it almost sounded like my name so was worth a photo... sad huh?... =) Below is a pic of a street just off Taksim Square.

We had free time in the arvo so Ange and I went to the grand Bizarre again for some souveneirs and presents before meeting up with the group again for dinner and drinks. After dinner we went round the corner for some hubble bubble and beer before calling it a night as most of us were still stuffed from the Gallipoli and some had planes to catch first thing in the morning.

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