Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sunday April 22nd - Kusadasi

Today was a pretty leisurely day and our first place to visit was Ephesus, another ancient city dating back to around 300BC. Ephesus was quite a large city and the area of the ruins is quite vast. We spent a lot of time just wandering round and looking at various areas of the city while Naci our tour guide filled us in on what the buildings and rooms used to be for. We were even shown some ancient public loos!!!

A couple hours later we were standing on stage in the enormous ampitheatre performing our lovely little Tininaninum song. The other visitors all applauded us and the Turkish people there were so happy to hear us, they requested an encore!! After all our bus rehersals, how could we refuse?...

After lunch we went up to Sirince, a former Greek village, and bought some of the lovely fruit wine. Angela and I got three bottles between us - Apple, Peach and Cherry - as it was cheap and we're soooo over beer. On our way back to the bus we found out Peters wallet had been stolen from his shorts pocket. We were surprised this could happen in such a pretty little place but was also a timely reminder for us that although Turkey is beautiful and friendly, there are always those nasty buggers out there...Upon returning to the hotel Ange and I sat out on her balcony and guzzled the wine together with Anne until dinner then mosied on to Jimmy's Irish bar for a few drinks and some inter-tour socialising. This time of year is very busy for the western side of Turkey. There are so many tours full of Aussies and Kiwi's going to the same places and keen to be at Gallipoli for Anzac Day that we often keep bumping into each other as we get closer to our destination. We even got a lift back to our hotel on a competitors bus!!

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