Sunday, May 20, 2007

Monday 16th April - Cappadocia

I was up before the birds today to explore this fascinating area from a hot air balloon. This is an awesome way to see the world!! You can not imagine how different the landscape here is and its even cooler to see when its snowing!! (Literally too.. I'm frecking freezing here... ) Good ol' buddah belly has come through again!! Can ya see King Kong on the rocks below?

After a beautifully soft landing in the slush we returned to the hotel for breakfast and then headed off to the Goreme Open Air Museum (part of it above). This is part of the area we ballooned over and its a heap of old monasteries, convents and churches built into the rocky hills. The churches are only small and some of them still have paintings on the ceiling that are in excellent condition.

The Fairy Chimneys was the next stop and from looking at the photo below you can see how these rock formations got their names. Very cute. Even the police office (Jandarma) was inside one of these...

After lunch we visited a pottery factory and as stunning as the plates and pots etc were, this place was way out of my price range. The tiles I fell in love with would have cost about Euro300 (aprox AUD$570) to buy and have posted home... Below is somewhere we stopped along the way for photo's... Pretty cool huh?

We had time for a nanna nap back at the hotel before heading off to dinner in a cave called Yemeni. We were served traditional turkish food and given drinks while the Whirling Dervishes and Belly Dancers did their thing. The Dervishes are brilliant as they spin and spin for ages and dont seem to get busy. At the end of the night after some more vodka and "normal" music, we practised the song Naci has been teaching us... I hope we get better before Ephesus...

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