Thursday, February 22, 2007

London Days 3 & 4

What a busy two days I've had!!

On Tuesday I went to the National History Museum in the morning and then the Palace Theatre in the afternoon to see Monty Python's Spamalot. What a brilliant show!! If you liked Holy Grail you'd love this!! When I got home Elisabeth & I had a drink at the bar with former roomy Leon while I did my laundry and we met our new roomy from Hong Kong.

Today (Wednesday) I boarded a bus tour to Stonehenge and Bath. Stonehenge was awesome and luckily the sun came out to give me some good pic's. And when I thought London was cold, I got a rude shock at Stonehenge!!!

Bath was a truly typical historic English countryside town. We went to the Roman Baths however you're not supposed to touch the previously miraculous healing waters these days as it's kinda festy =) ... After the Baths tour, we were left to our own devices for a couple hours so I wandered the streets to the Bath Abbey and beyond to get some more great pic's. Can't wait share these with you all.

Tonight Elisabeth (the chatty German) and I went into Oxford Circus and had a couple beers with her friends. The pub we went to was named - wait for it - The Cock... =) I dont think the Poms understand what we aussies refer to as a "cock"... heehee... Anyway, we proceeded into the bar and into the upstairs area which was basically a disgustingly thick cloud of smoke!! People are still allowed to smoke indoors here and with the shockingly huge amount of people who smoke here the air was so thick you could part it... YUCK!!

Tomorrow I'm off to visit Madame Tussaud and then have a flight on the London Eye before packing up again and getting ready to leave on my tour first thing on Friday Morning... Yeehah!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tink, I stayed in Bath and visited the 'Bath' too, did you like the floor mosiac from the Celtic water god and Romans water god.
When you get back we can compare photos.
The food at the Bath 'Moon and 6pence Pub' was excellent back in 2003.

Did you hear or read anything about Avebury, while at Stonehenge?? If not maybe they don't want the competition. Avebury is sooo much bigger. I read that the archeologists have found one of the stonehenge alter stones in ___somewhere St James___ down the road, where it was taken to build a bridge across a stream. Megalithic Europe You could check other europe sites for later!!! squish Jen:0)