Monday, February 19, 2007

Ta-ta Singapore, Hello London

I was a little sad to leave Singapore - even the airport was so pretty and comforting... There's tropical gardens and fishponds everywhere amd it's got more shops than most the malls in Perth!!! I even found a georgous sunflower garden on the roof before I grudgingly got into the plane for my 14 hour flight...

I arrived into London last night in the cover of darkness and jumped straight into a taxi to my hostel... £40 later (ouch!!!) I checked in to the Globetrotter, claimed a bed and went straight to sleep. I'm currently sharing with two Spanish guys and a guy from the Gold Coast. His Aussieness was a giveaway thanks to his Bronco's shirt!!

Hmmm... I wish I had nice things to say about my accomodation... Being a Hostel I wasn't expecting too much but for a place that claims to have won awards, the service has been appalling, I share a room with three other people and there's not even one power point available!! Plus, there's no USB port on this PC so I can't upload any photo's for ya all. BUT, I'm here until Friday and I'm not gonna let this place drag me down...

I caught "the tube" this morning and had a wander round Picadilly Circus today. You could get endless photos of the old buildings and statues and there's plenty of shopping to be done too. I need to do some research tonight to find some things to amuse me for the rest of the week... Any suggestions??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm working my way through your blog backwards and it's now 12.08am Friday 2nd March in Perth. Too tired now,
so I'll check tomorrow night.
Love ya Chickybabe Jen:0)