Thursday, February 15, 2007


oh my god... I can't believe I'm actually here... Singapore is beautiful. Vibrant colours, lush gardens, clean streets and friendly people. The cab drivers are all suicidal and there's karaoke tearing holes in my eardrums right now in the hotel foyer but it's all part of the package and aside from turning the volume down, I wouldn't change a thing. Even the thick humidity fogging up my camera lens isn't gonna bring me down!!

The 8 hour flight here was totally bearable as I had an exit seat and oodles of legroom. I even managed to sleep which was a personal best for me as I dont like strangers watching me purr and drool =)

Tonight, I was sposed to go on a Night Safari but the wrong bus picked us up and we all missed out. Dammit... At least we can try again tomoro... =)

I got the whole day here tomoro and have a day tour planned already with the arvo free to look around. Hopefully I can get in touch with Patrick to show me round. Patrick is a friend of my glorious travel agent cousin Mary. She's helped me organise this adventure and is an absolute legend. Ta luv!!

The attached pics are the frog from the Singapore Airlines check-in foyer in Sydney and the view from my hotel room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tink, You always look cute when you drool!, It's when you start scratching that it gets embarrassing on the plane!! Heheee

I did a very quick tour of Singapore during my 8hour stop over to the UK. I was amazed at the shopping in the airport.
The Singapore Library is one of the best in the world for service and the Architecture is meant to be stunning too.
I wouldn't mind a frog that big in the back yard as a water feature.
Cheers for now Jen:0)