I surprised myself with my packing abilities today. Somehow, my back pack's only weighing in at 15kilo's (i'm allowed 20) and I have very little carry-on baggage... I keep thinking surely something's missing but it all seems to be there - and I don't normally pack light... =)
Pictured here is my back pack all ready to go. The little yella fella is a bear I made about 10 years ago who re-surfaced recently. While he's not as cool as Wasabi Duck or Tigger, he's just the right size to keep me company when I feel home sick... He doesn't have a name yet but I'm open to suggestions...
Uh, a suggestion for your bear - "Old Yella" maybe?! :)
Well the bear maynot be tall, or dark, but he could be Handsome!.
And that will sound good too, if you're trying to put off some bothersome guy. Just need to say that you've got a Mr Handsome, waiting for you in bed. I might have to try that one next time Rob's away for the weekend.
(Except my Partyhard girlfriend has left the country!!! Biatch) squish Jen:0)
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