Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Westport to Franz Josef

Feeling much better today thanks to a night in a cabin, some good tummy bug drugs and plenty of sleep and kicked the day off with a wander down to check out the locals at the Westport Seal Colony – all three of them… Mustn’t be seal season I guess – or maybe it is... :o)
Anyways, I continued on through Greymouth and cruised around Punakaiki and the Pancake Rocks before some shopping and a very late lunch at Hokitika and finally rolling in to Franz Josef late this arvo.
Its amazing the amount of campervans you see parked up at sites and parks yet the roads have been pleasingly empty when it comes to traffic. Its also fantastic to see (and partake in) the culture of slower traffic (trucks etc) simply pulling over for you to overtake and the grateful beep-beep you hear afterwards from the passing party. Considering the amount of windy roads and blind corners here, it is definitely a smart way to drive. This just isn’t done in Australia – everyone is in such a rush!
Tomorrow I will be slepingin in (woohoo!!!) before clambering up Franz Josef and playing on the glacier. Fingers crossed I have regained enough energy as I wasl still feeling pretty weak today after my tummy troubles yesterday…

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