Monday, October 18, 2010

New Zealand so far...

Well, I've been here for three days and I'm absolutely loving it...
I flew in on Friday night after LAN Air cancelled my flight and put me on an Air NZ flight - at least thats what they thought they did... turns out I had to have a bit of a tanty between LAn and Air NZ to be able to get on to the promised flight but all was good in the end. Upon landing a lovely random I'd been chatting to on the plane about the meaning of life offered me a ride in the taxi his work was paying for. Schweet!!
Saturday I just wondered around Auckland and got my bearings with the city. Its a lovely city just to walk around and soak up the sights and thats exactly what I did. Such a very pretty little city.
Sunday I took a tour over to Piha on the west coast to join in a learn to surf class. What an experience. The water temp was about 16 but very bearable in a wetsuit. The waves were nice and small which were perfect for my 8'4" board. It took me about 30 minutes of frustrating trips, slips and falls before I figiured out how to hold my balance and then it was all on. Sooooo much fun once you've gotten past that initial hurdle but boy do I hurt today... Must of used a lot of dormant muscles... Ouch...
And today I picked up Lucida - my little Jucy Toyota camper van. I think its seen better days and makes some funny noises but so far she's been treatin me right. We drove from Auckland up to Whangarei today and plan to go diving at Tutukaka's Poor Knights tomorrow. Fingers crossed my aches and pains get better and I sleep well in my new mobile home :o)

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