Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dive Tutukaka – Poor Knights

Brilliant day. We were on the water by 9am, had a silky smooth boat ride out to the islands and were in for our first dive at 10.30am. What a beautiful site!! Loads more fish than the barrier reef and much more plants than coral too. Plus – theres loads of little transparent jelly fish and what looks like eggs too. I’ll have to goggle that one to show what I mean. Between dives and during lunch we went on a little cruise around the islands and to another site rightly called the Tunnel. Definitely something to experience as you really are diving through a tunnel so its pretty dark but theres also a huge drop off underneath which makes the whole thing pretty scary. Must say I loved every minute of it – even the rough seas on the way home thanks to the wind picking up - alot!!
No idea where I’m going tomorrow yet… Will have a look at the guide books and maps tonight and head somewhere north for a couple more days before I start my southward journey. One of the guys on the boat said we’re in for some super cold weather (ie snow!!) so might have to drop into a good sammys and pick up a blankie or two. Last night in Lucida was surprising comfortable and warm but I’m not too sure what will happen when it gets colder :o)

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