Tuesday, October 05, 2010

five hours to kill til jen gets into cairns... what to do?...

I know - I'll do some more blogging... I've been inspired (not sure if thats the right word) by my Newcastle to Brisbane and Brisbane to Cairns flights today and while I wait for Jens flight to get in at 4am (yup!!) I've wandered over to the international terminal for some peace and quiet and would like to make some comments on some very simple etiquette...
Lets start with people flying with children. Its no secret that I'm not a little people person and would rather stick a skewer through my eardrums than have some screaming child pierce them for me but is it really that difficult for a parent to realise that their hysterical brats shrieking is not soothing music to my ears, particularly on a late night flight? And would they like me to sit behind them and kick the back of their seat for the duration of the flight? Come on folks - its not brain surgery I'm asking you to perform here...
And what about the bloke who gets up to exit before the seat belt light goes off and already has an unlit ciggie dangling from his crusty lips coz he just cant wait those extra 10 minutes til he's collected his baggage and can join the rest of his feral mates who wont come in the front door coz heaven forbid they'd have to put their ciggies out?...
And now what about my wonderful peace and quiet being shattered by 15 foreign teenagers? I can honestly say the poor fella's sleeping about 20 metres away didnt think much of it...
Anyways - that'll do for my grumbling today... I need to start figuring out what the hell Jen and I are gonna do when she gets in - at 4am :o)

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