Sunday, December 09, 2007

Back in Cuscu

Back in the hustle and bustle of the big smoke again but we´re only here for a day before we head off for a long bus trip on to Puno - about 5 hours away. Tonight however we´re supposed to be having a party at Zac´s house here in Cusco. Zac was our Inca Trail guide and is one of the funniest buggers I ever met. He also helped me get through the tough climb on the second day and we all have alot of respect for his knowledge and help over the last four days.

Today has been a lazy day just recovering and getting ready for the last week or so of our tour. All I´ve done is post off some stuff home, meet the crew for a super yummy lunch in the town centre and have a mega nap this arvo. I´ve just managed to lock myself out of my room now so here I am updating this... Ooops...

My legs and shoulders are still aching from the hike but the worst injury I´ve got is about a million sand fly bites on my shins... It happened at lunch on the last day in Aguas Callientes and I didnt even feel the buggers biting until I looked down and saw a million little drops of blood... At the time it didnt hurt and wasn´t itchy but today... OH MY GOD!!!... so painful... I´ve been taking antihistamines and have some gel from the farmacia but basicallyI think I might have to amputate... OUCH!!!!

One big help during the trek was our crew of porters and guides. For us 8 little aussies and our tour leader we had a total of 15 (yup... 15!!!) porters and a guide and a guides assistant... Not bad hey... The guides were amazing. They carry about 25 kilo´s each, pack and clean up after us, practically run the trail to pass us and then have lunch and dinner ready when we finally catch up to them. And they carry everything!! Tents, mattresses, kitchen gear (including oven, gas and fridge) and our 5 kilo duffel bags. All I had to carry was a day pack with items such as a jumper, raincoat, water, mozzie repellant, suncream, snacks and nibble mix. Our duffel bags held a couple changes of clothes, sleeping bag, liner, travel towel and loads of wipes for our sponge baths each morning and night. Three days without a shower reminds a girl just how much she loves being clean!!!


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