Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mexico City

YIPPEE!! I´m in Mexico!!!
I´m lovin this place so far. I got in about 6am yesterday and after a good snooze ventured out to Chapultepec Park in the middle of the city and about 2kms from my dinky little hotel. This park is huge and has a zoo and the Anthropological (is that even a word?...) Museum. Basically I spent all day wandering around there and reading on the grass and playing with squirrels before coming back and finding something to eat.
Today I took a tour out to the Guadalupe Church (the 3rd most visited in the world) and then on to the Sun and Moon Temples or the Pyramids of Teotihuacan. These were much better than the ones at Huanchaco and this time I didn´t lose any ducks... :)
Tomorrow I fly off to Cancun and meet Luis so we can catch a bus down to Playa Del Carmen. Rumour has it the weather is hot and humid and absolutley perfect for sitting on a beach consuming Tequila and Coronas... Sweet.... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YIPPEEE!! Lucky Ducks (that includes you too!) xxxTJ