Thursday, October 25, 2007

On my way to Rio...

Well, here I am at the airport in Santiago trying to amuse myself for a few hours before flying on to Rio. I think I´m going a little loco as I´ve been up for over 24 hours now and really need a nap. My flight to Rio takes five hours and I get in at 2am so I´m looking forward to a bit of piece and quiet (and the ability to sprawl out) when I get there...
Guess what? I went to Auckland, NZ today... apparently its the stopover on the way to Santiago but wasn´t listed on my flight itinery... How cool is that??? I got a pic of Bill and Ted meeting some of the locals so will upload when I´m able. And I tell ya what - if all the kiwi boys are are cute and friendly as the one i met at the airport, I´m moving back there!!! Noice!!!
Not much else to add yet. I pray I sit next to a nice person on the plane... The last one was a pompous pig who thought it was fun to squeeze my in as close to the window as possible... i think i had maybe an area of two foot square (maybe) to live in for about 10 hours... I understand claustrophobia now...

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