Saturday, October 27, 2007

Christ the Redeemer

No... I haven´t gone all churchy on ya´s... Corcovado - also known as Christ the Redeemer - is where i went today with local gal and fellow Ireland tripper, Renate.

Luckily the weather had cleared up heaps overnight and instead of being hot, cloudy, humid and wet it was just hot and humid but it was still a great day and thanks to yesterdays heavy fog lifting, the ducks and I got some great pics of the statue and the city.

With the sun poking his head out, Copacabana Beach has really livened up today and as its Friday night now its starting to get busy on the main drag and the markets have also set up in the middle of the road...

Tomorrow I have booked in for a tandem hang glide and fingers crossed the wind picks up enough to give us more than the usual 15 minutes...

UPDATE 12/11 finally got some pics on... Below is Corxovado..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW Missy sounds so good. Keep safe... M & D. xx