Monday, March 19, 2007

Sunday in Dublin

Today was a super casual affair so while some of the 16 occupants of my room slept, others (including moi as I wasn't suffering a hangover) ventured out to go the Guiness Factory!!! After queueing for over an hour in the freezing cold wind, I'm sorry to report the factory is totally overated but at least I can say I went and the highlight was when we were having our complimentary pint and it started to snow!!!

That was pretty much it for today. I went shopping in Temple Bar in the morning and we didnt leave for the brewery til mid arvo. There's another room party going on tonight but I dont think it will last as long as last nights as we all need to be up and ready to get back on the bus at 8am tomoro...

On a different note, Ireland celebrated Mothers Day today so I'm sending a special hug out to my ma and all my surrogate mum's too. You all know who you are!!! MWAH xx


Anonymous said...

You have made my (special mothers) day! A special hug and MWAHxx to you, and hello and love to your 'other' mothers too!.... Mum Tan xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Honey, and thanks for the mothers day hug xxx
Hope your mum knows how special she is to have two mothers days in one year. Missing you heaps and still waiting for photo's xxx Pauline