Friday, March 23, 2007

Doolin to Dublin

Wednesday - Doolin to Dublin
The last day of another tour leaving another pretty little town with another not so pretty hostel... Anyway, our first stop today was a pretty little Fairy Ring on the way to Pol na Brone Dolmen on the Burren Plateau followed by a quick drive through Lisdoonvarna - home of the biggest Matchmaking Festival... We were told to walk clockwise around the Fairy Ring making a wish and at the end we had to thank the fairies in Gaelic. Don't ask me how to say or even spell what we said coz it was a mouthful but fingers crossed my wish comes true... =)

We stopped just before lunch at Clonmacnoise which is an ancient monastic settlement where St Keiron is buried and then wrapped our afternoon up at Lockes Whiskey Distillery where I had the privellage of being the tester to differentiate which one was which and as I've been told it's a sin to waste alcohol in Ireland I was all warm and fuzzy by the time we got back on the bus...

That was the last stop of our trip and we got back into Dublin on Wednesday night where some hasty goodbyes were said to ensure I got some accomodation for the night in the closest hostel... Fortunately about 10 of the others were also staying at the same place so we caught up for dinner and drinks in the pub around the corner...

Thursday - Dublin
Ah, the freedom of not having to get up and rush onto the bus!!! Managed to sleep in this morning and just pottered around Dublin today. I've booked a flight back to London for tomoro and will be there until Monday when I take off on another tour. This one will be England, Scotland and Wales followed by a quiet break in country Netherlands...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops! Senior moment! I put comment for here in previous entry...Just as well I am not with you! Ma..xx