Wednesday, March 14, 2007

London to Dublin

How nice was it to wake up this morning and not have to repack and climb into the bus?... Actually it was pretty weird not to have Matty waiting for us after brekky to take us to another beautiful place. But, it was nice to have a little sleep in and have some time in the morning to send some mail off before my tranfer cab arrived to take me to Gatwick Airport. And I re-iterate my statement about London not being a cheap place to stay... I payed £48 to send a 2.5kg box off... OUCH!!!

Robbie, Peta, Sally, Krystal, Jen, Jonny and Benny also stayed at the Globetrotters last night so we all said our goodbyes again this morning. Like me, most most of the crew are kicking on to other destinations and I wish them all the best of luck.

I'm in Dublin tonight staying in the heart of Temple Bar. My taxi driver from the airport gave me an interesting history lesson on the way in so I had a little wander round the streets looking at the sights he was telling me about and finding some dinner in a local pub. Dublin is a busy but pretty little place and I can see why people flock here. Could be worth returning here some day I think... =)

I'm still processing all the sights, happenings and emotions of the past few weeks. I don't know how the tour leaders or even the drivers can do this week in, week out without getting completely overwhelmed. Maybe after the fist couple of times the novelty wears off but I find that hard to imagine. There would always be something new to take in and the differing seasons, crews etc would still take it out of you...

My 8 day tour of Ireland starts tomorrow. I've been politely informed by Matty the other travellers are likely to be a bunch of screaming American teenagers on Gap break... EEEK... Thanks Matty... =) Now - its time for an early night to recharge and prepare...


Anonymous said...

We are exhausted just reading your messages! "Cheers" just for you on 16th. Happy Birthday to you!! Hip Hip... Tan&Tone xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Irish Birthday to our beautiful daughter. If you are impressed with the history so far, wait till you get to Belfast!! xxxxx