Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dublin to London

Friday - Dublin to London
What a sad day... I've left the clean and lovely city of Dublin and country of Ireland for dark, dreary and dull London... I can tell you it wasn't a happy occasion getting on that plane and there was no surprises when I had to board two trains carrying a 2okg pack in peak hour in London to get to my hotel only to find I've paid good money to sleep in a dog box... Grrrr....

Saturday - London
I have absolutely no plans for this weekend except to recover from the hectic pace of the last four weeks. Might venture down to some markets tomorrow but am so over the crowds and truthfully I shouldnt be buying anymore junk as my pack is already way to heavy... =)

Its a little dissapointing to be back in London... I was getting used to the Irish lifestyle - especially loved that people couldnt smoke indoors... At the moment I'm sitting in my hotel loungeroom using the computer here and there's two people smoking like chimneys less than 3 metres away and by god it stinks... In Ireland you could go out to the pub, stay there all night and still smell fresh as a daisy... Here you can't even go out to dinner without your clothes stinking after 2 minutes...

I think a trip back to Ireland one day is definitely on the cards... The people are friendly, the streets are clean, the country is so beautiful... Jen - wanna come back with me???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just have a good well deserved rest and be refreshed for all the exciting places yet to come! Enjoy ..T&T..xx