Saturday, June 13, 2009


Time seems to be a very precious commodity in my life lately... What happened to the days when I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted? I miss them and I want them back...

Sure - there were some boring moments when I was hard pushed to amuse myself but compared to when its just go, go, go I think maybe those moments were there to let me step back, consider my direction and continue.

Dont mistake me here. I dont think I've taken any "wrong" directions of late. The path on which I travel is perfectly satisfactory however I wish I still had the time to smell the roses along the way, get the full benefit of the ride so to speak.

I'd also like to know how time seems to be slipping from my grasp so easily these days? I cant say my life has taken a drastic turn of any sorts, nor is it filled with many dramatic events to justify such a noticable difference.

Perhaps I need to review my time management skills...

Perhaps I just need more time...

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