Friday, November 23, 2007

Trujillo, PERU

Another day, another beautiful town on the coast of Peru. Today we are in Trujillo but actually staying at a place just outside that I have no hope of spelling or even pronouncing...

Last night we stayed at Chiclayo. This is one of the biggest cities in Peru but hasnt had much in the way of tourism yet so isn´t really worth much of a mention. In the morning we bussed out to the Sipan Museum which was very interesting and that was followed by a four hour bus trip here. Tomorrow we are off to visit Chan Chan and the Moon Temple which apparently are very inportant historical sites... Our guide Tito has talked them up so fingers crossed its fun...

After Trujillo we are on to Lima and then our cool little group is split up and Micky, Kerry, Richo, Timmy and I head off further south with some newbies before going on to Macchu Picchu...

Sorry I havent been in touch mobile wise lately... telstra has no agreements with any companies in Ecuador so i havent had reception for the last two weeks and if anythings been sent to me then chances are its been wiped... Fortunately Peru has great reception and I´m looking forward to hearing from ya´s!!!

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