Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mancora, PERU

I think its Wednesday today and last night we arrived into Mancora on the coast of Peru. Its a gorgeous little coastal town full of surfy types and bars... We´re only here until this afternoon and then we´ll be on the road again to another beach lodging i cant remember the name of right now but am pretty sure the night after that will be Trujillo...

After we left Baños we travelled on to Riobamba which was a fairly unremarkable except it was where we were to board the Devils Nose Railway train the next morning. Unfortunately due to last weeks earthquake in Lima (apparently 7.6 on richter scale but we never felt a thing...) part of the track was broken so we didnt get to go as far as the Devils Nose. Instead we unloaded at another place I cant recall the name of and had a further five hours via bus to Cuenca. The four hours we spent on the train was fun and as usual Micky found a harem of local women to chat to...

Cuenca was a lovely city and the first place we´ve been so far where you can drink the water... During the day we went out to the Ingapirca Ruins (Incan and Cañar) and then our guide Rodrigo took us to a local bar as it was our last night with him and I think I´ve developed a taste for the South American specialty, Pisco Sours... Noice!!!

Yesterday we bussed it for about 5 hours before crossing the border into Peru then a further two hours to get here so we arrived after sunset and its been a pleasant morning exploring the town and meeting the people. This is definitely somewhere you could set up a little surf shop and just chill for the rest of your days...

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