Monday, June 29, 2009
From Amsterdam to Frankfurt to Larange
Some pics of our adventures will be attached when I have some free time and cheaper internet :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Dawdling round Delft

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Greetings from the land of clogs and cheese
Anyways - Mum and I are in Delft tonight and are looking forward to spending tomorrow with Corrie and Ad showing us round. So far it appears to be a very pretty city and very close to The Hague. The last few days we have spent in Goes with Kees and Nanja, Peter and Anja and their lovely family and then Ada and her beautiful family. Big thank you to all who have shown us their friendship, love and hospitality. Mum and I appreciate every last effort and hope to return the favour when you come to Australia.

Attached pics are a windmill (welcome to stereotypes'r'us) from Zierikzee (aka another town I have no hope of pronouncing, like every other word of the Dutch language) and the bridge going from Noord Beveland (no KB, not another Beaverland) to Schouwen Duiveland. Basically two islands, north and south if that helps :) Like most the bridges here, small and large, it opens up to let the boats through.

Stay tuned...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hello from Goes, Netherlands
oh... I should explain... I guess I forgot to follow up the whole "I'll update you about my holidays later" thing but here I am and I'll tell ya whats going on now...
I'm on holidays for the next three and a half weeks :) WooHoo!!
The plans for my holidays are as such:
18 to 28 June - Netherlands
Mum and I will be trotting round Holland visiting relatives and doing the general touristy thing... So far, we are staying in Goes for the next few days and Mum's been going snap happy with the camera...
29 June to 5th July - Laragne, France
Looking forward to catching up with Mon, Scott, Cammy, Jon Jr, Belinda, Davis, the Jeffs, Scotty G and a bunch more at the Hang Gliding Worlds... Roll on the sunshine and fabulous flying days!!
6th July to 11th July - Santa Cruz, California
Catching up with a good pal in the goold ol' USA. Going chasing otters and deers and other fun stuff... Cant wait!
So thats it for now... Photos to come soon :)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Autumn '09
Ah yes... first up is the wedding of my cousin Dana at which I was one of the bridesmaids. This was held up in Nyngan and after the usual dress dilemmas we were all set to go. The man upstairs chipped in with some beautiful weather and Dana's family and friends helped set up a fun and happy atmosphere. What a great day and a lovely couple.
Next adventure worthy of mention is the Inglewood weekend. KB and I flew up in Nancy to Queensland for a fly in. The lucky sods in Qld had a long weekend however KB and I could only stay one night thanks to NSW not having the same pubic holiday. No matter tho. We still had an awesome weekend catching up with some of the Qld crew and it was also my first time in Nancy. I dont know much about aircraft but this ones a little beauty (little being the operative word tho... very squishy inside but still super fun!). Pic above is KB taking Nancy for a drink of petrol and below is looking west-ish over part of the Hunter Valley on our way home.
So... other than these things I have pics for what else have I done?...
...I'm now working for the John Holland Group. Its really much the same role and same people as before with ARTC however its full time. So far, so good. Lovely people, good experiences.
...I've been paddling with KB a few times. I''m still a little wary about the whole ''looking like a yummy meal to a shark'' thing but I guess Ill get over that when the daylight hours are a bit longer and I''m not dangling my legs over the edge of the kayak at feeding times...
um... cant think of much more right now but it is way past my bedtime and my sleep is very precious so if I think of more I'll add it later. I'll also tell you about my upcoming travel plans due to start very, very soon... Yay!!!
Sure - there were some boring moments when I was hard pushed to amuse myself but compared to when its just go, go, go I think maybe those moments were there to let me step back, consider my direction and continue.
Dont mistake me here. I dont think I've taken any "wrong" directions of late. The path on which I travel is perfectly satisfactory however I wish I still had the time to smell the roses along the way, get the full benefit of the ride so to speak.
I'd also like to know how time seems to be slipping from my grasp so easily these days? I cant say my life has taken a drastic turn of any sorts, nor is it filled with many dramatic events to justify such a noticable difference.
Perhaps I need to review my time management skills...
Perhaps I just need more time...