Monday, January 07, 2008


Just a quick update... I´m still in Barcelona but am fighting off the worst cold of my life... I think my poor body has finally packed it in and is ready for a rest back home... :)

My tour has finished and I´ve switched to a cheaper (but somehow nicer) hotel in the Gothic area but havent ventured around too much yet coz its a public holiday and everything is shut and my poor sore bones dont want me to leave the comfort of my room... Luckily there is free internet at this hotel so here I am coz I just cant watch anymore spanish TV or BBC...

In the last days of my tour we visited a couple cool places like the Gaudi Park (I dunno if its actually called that but it´ll do for now...) and the Picasso Museum. As usual we´ve seen a couple more cathedrals but also took a trip out to Montserrat and had a squiz at the Olympic Stadium too. There´s plenty more things to see yet so hopefully I can go out and wander tomorrow if I´m feeling better...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would you believe it. Karen Spilt red wine on the new Carpet. I could spit feathers