Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Portobello to Oamaru

Nice sleep in and leisurely drive today. I left the windy peninsula in search of the boulders of Moeraki and stumbled on a lovely cheese factory on the way. The boulders were pretty interesting and I had an old german couple telling me how they’d been there 20 years ago and could see the difference as some of the boulders had cracked apart.

On to Oamaru after this with a quick detour to the Elephant Rocks just out of town. I’d been looking forward to this one all day and then after traipsing out into the field my camera batteries died. Just as well I’m coming this way again tomorrow huh?
Tonight me and a zillion other tourists were at Bushy Beach in the hopes of spotting some yellow eyed penguins which are apparently very rare. Finally about 90 long minutes later two little fellows came waddling out of the water up to the protection on the cliff base. Soooo very cute but we were all too far away to get a decent picture :o(

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