Friday, August 15, 2008

Uh oh...

In a fit of boredom this evening (stuck at this office on a worksite) I decided to check in on my blog and discovered with a shock that its been FIVE whole months since I wrote anything... Its not that I havent been doing anything in those five months but I guess I havent taken the time to sit down and let ya's all know what I been up to - even tho I had been reminded several times by my devoted and loving fans (heehee)...

Now, firstly you may have noticed that the first paragraph contained those dirty, dirty words of "office" and "work"... Yes - alas it is true - I have been employed (yuck) for the last four months much to my displeasure... It would seem I enjoyed being a lady of leisure much more than being a slave to "the man"... So, anyways, I've been temping as Admin since April for a company called ARTC (aka Australian Rail Track Corp or something like that) which as the name would suggest has something or other to do with the Railways. Not a bad job if that sorta thing is what floats ya boat but it has been a good learning experience.

And now I have to go again - I'll try and explain more of this craziness next time... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, ARTC kinda floats my boat, but I know someone else who definitely does ;-)