Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Still in Barcelona

It would seem I´m finally getting over this flu. After the last two days of doing pretty much nothing but staying in my room I had to get out today and fortunately my legs held out long enough to get me round for a few hours...

I had a wander down to the port then along La Rambla up to the Sagrada Familia and back. I must say I´m really disappointed about La Rambla. It supposed to be one of the most visited places in Barcelona and loaded with pickpockets but not only was it completely empty, there wasn´t even a dodgy looking character in sight... This was supposed to be where I was gonna do all my souvenier shopping but now I´ll have to find alternatives and I´m fast running out of time if I wanna avoid paying the rip off prices at the airport... Eeek...

Tomorrow afternoon I start the long, boring journey back to Oz which should take around 24hours flying time and god knows how much time wasted at airports... Soooo not looking forward to the snootty nosed gits at Heathrow...

Just one more thing... Mark Carland... Can you please identify yourself??? You´ve left two comments so far and I have nooooo idea what ya on about... Ta :)

Monday, January 07, 2008


Just a quick update... I´m still in Barcelona but am fighting off the worst cold of my life... I think my poor body has finally packed it in and is ready for a rest back home... :)

My tour has finished and I´ve switched to a cheaper (but somehow nicer) hotel in the Gothic area but havent ventured around too much yet coz its a public holiday and everything is shut and my poor sore bones dont want me to leave the comfort of my room... Luckily there is free internet at this hotel so here I am coz I just cant watch anymore spanish TV or BBC...

In the last days of my tour we visited a couple cool places like the Gaudi Park (I dunno if its actually called that but it´ll do for now...) and the Picasso Museum. As usual we´ve seen a couple more cathedrals but also took a trip out to Montserrat and had a squiz at the Olympic Stadium too. There´s plenty more things to see yet so hopefully I can go out and wander tomorrow if I´m feeling better...

Friday, January 04, 2008

Granada, Valencia

The Tapas dinner in Seville was soooo good. I´m gonna have to introduce a Tapas night back home so you all get to have an idea why these folks love it sooo much...

Tonight we´re in Valencia after staying in Granada last night. Both cities seem really nice but we only really saw them in the evening before dinner and the sun wasnt even up when we left in the morning.

As soon as we arrived in Granada we took off to a place called Alhambra which our guide claims is Spains 8th wonder of the world. It was like a palace with beautiful gardens and was certainly very pretty but I´m getting kinda church, cathedral and gardened out... Ducky had a great time there tho as it was raining and there were some pretty fountains for him to drool over...

Then after dinner we were taken to another part of there city where we watched some Gypsy cave dancing. These Gypsies aren´t the same as what you´d see in Rome begging on the streets but rather they are hardworking, honest people with strong traditions and family values. Their dancing is quite similar to the flamenco dancing we saw on New Years Eve however there is a kinda of chanting/singing accompanying the guitar as well as a constant but varied kind of speed clapping to the beat and matching the dance. Very cool.

Today was mostly driving altho we did stop to have a look at the cave homes that the Troglodyte (yup... thats right...) people live in. Very small and cosy but I dont think I could handle having a room without a window...

Tomorrow we are off to Barcelona via a town called Pensicola and once again arent expected to get in until its dark altho we have some activites planned for dinner and a night tour. I cant wait to get to barcelona. I´ve heard so much about it, I hope it lives up to my expectations... :)

I dont think I´ll get a chance to update tomorrow and since we´re like half a day behind here I´ll say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Azza now. See ya soon Bro!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


FELIZ AÑOS NEUVO to everyone!!!

Well, here I am in Seville recovering from a reasonably big night and its frekking freezing!!! Who´s idea was it to go to Europe in the middle of Winter anyways???... :)

Seville is super georgous. Its got very typical spanish architecture and gardens but its also very modern and theres a new photo to take around every corner. I know I say this for lots of places but I really could live here but would have to improve on my Spanish first...

We´re off to Granada tomorrow but first - we have a Tapas dinner tonight... Should be awesome!!

By the way, my group seems pretty cool. There´s 49 of us so the bus is completely packed and at least 40 of the passengers are Americans!!! Eeeek... But really, they´re not that bad...